Sunday, 20 June 2010

Chickening out.....

We collected 4 new chickens today. Ex battery hens.
Ex battery hens have well and truly stolen my heart and they are so deserving of the life they should have had from the start.
It always warms my cockles to see them beginning to enjoy being alive, rather than fighting to exist.
Our new girls; Maggie, Penny, Sadie and Rita....


  1. Lucky girls! They are just for egg-laying, yes?

    We rescued some many years ago, before they went to the pet food factory at the end of their first miserable six months as egg-laying machines. The first time they saw sunlight on the floor of their shed, they wouldn't step into it. We had to carry them outside.

    May your hens live long and give you much joy and many eggs. :)

  2. yes, pets/egg layers :0)

    they're the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th ex battery girls we've rehomed.

    Hopefully one day this cruel way of farming will end but until then, we'll keep giving them a happy home.

    They've had their first run aroun the garden today, it's so hot here, the poor things were panting to keep cool...didn't have the sense to seek shade in the bushes!
