Monday, 4 July 2011

Inside out!

Went with mum to an al fresco music event on Sunday. A few local bands were playing inside St Luke's at the top of Bold Street, Liverpool. 'But how can they be inside if it's al fresco?' I hear you ask, well...

St Luke's is also known hereabouts as 'The Bombed Out Church'!

My mum actually remembers the blitz and the church being hit by the bomb that reduced it to the shell it is today. She lived in Liverpool at the time. Hard to imagine how frightening it must have been as she was only 9 years old.

We had to sign a waver absolving the organisers of the event of any responsibilty should a piece of loose masonry fall on our heads! If they were concerned then maybe having bands playing there might not have been the best idea in the circumstances! I'm sure it was just a bit of health and safety nonsense though. Hitler couldn't knock it down so a bit of folk music couldn't do much damage surely!?

We went to try and sell a few of my poetry cards as I hoped the St Luke's one might at least sell a few. We ended up selling 3, one each of the other 3 designs! Oh well, we had a nice time, sitting in the sun and listening to the music and we got in free because we were sellers. The entrance fee would have been £10 otherwise.

It was the first time either me or mum had ever been inside the church. I think she really appreciated the experience, it must have brought back some memories for her.

It was pretty overgrown and unkempt inside, but there were some lovely red poppies amongst the weeds. I wondered if someone had scattered the seeds there on purpose...

What also struck me (no, not falling gargoyles thank goodness) was how everyone seemed to know everyone else. They were all greeting each other with hugs and kisses and the atmosphere was lovely. Have we British finally embraced (scuse the pun) the idea of the European greeting? Or, do I not get out enough? I felt like I was missing out so, when Ian came to pick us up a few hours later, I gave him a big hug and a kiss!

It felt nice that there was so much love in a place that so much hate had once tried to destroy.

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